Pacific Long Boarder Banner
We’re ba-aack! So PLB’s two weeks “gone bush” turned into a month – but how’s this for an excuse?

We’re ba-aack! So PLB’s two weeks “gone bush” turned into a month – but how’s this for an excuse?

Clearly getting more than they bargained for, the ed and the art director headed into the Pacific in search of a fabled maitai fountain and a mystic righthander and have only just landed home – beat but beyond happy. The ed ...

Gone bush - no phone, no internet, back March 4

Gone bush - no phone, no internet, back March 4

Yep, for the next fortnight the PLB ed and the art director have headed well off the grid into some ...

Farewell Bruce Brown – 1937-2017

Farewell Bruce Brown – 1937-2017

Bruce Brown single-handedly changed the public’s perceptions of the act of surfing, and of surfers, with The Endless Summer – ...

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